What are the services like?

Our services are about an hour and twenty minutes in length. During that time we worship together through singing, prayer, and studying the Bible.

How should I dress?

We take a "come as you are" approach. Some people dress in casual attire while others are more formal.

What is the teaching like?

Kyle Corbin is our primary speaker. He speaks to everyone from skeptics to believers with honesty, and in a way that is both relevant and practical. 

What is the music like?

We have rotating worship teams who bring music that is encouraging and uplifting through a variety of musical styles. These songs help us to worship God the Father, while celebrating Jesus, as we experience the Holy Spirit.

Is there anything for my kids?

Children from 0-3 years old are invited to spend time in our Nursery, while older kids are invited upstairs to Immanuel Kids.

Immanuel Kids (ages 3- grade 5) learn about Jesus in interactive, fun, and age-appropriate ways. 

Programming is provided by trained adult caregivers and teen assistants in a secure, safe environment.

What if I have more questions on Sunday?

We have a great team here to help. Look for a friendly face with a "Ask Me, I'm Here to Help" lanyard. These individuals are available to help you with any questions you may have. Also, make sure you stop by our Connect Desk in the Front Entrance. Someone is always on hand to welcome you and provide any assistance you may need.