• Up to 50 persons are permitted in the kid's ministry zone during Immanuel Kid’s Program. All staff/volunteers and children must be pre-registered online or by calling the church office in advance of the posted program times.
  • Volunteers and children attending the program are to enter through the gymnasium doors. 
  • Upon entry, everyone must sanitize their hands.
  • Parents and caregivers are not permitted to enter the Immanuel Kids Program areas. In the event of an emergency, children will be reunited with parents outside the gymnasium doors.
  • If a person leaves the building or program, they are not permitted to re-enter.
  • Prior to entry attendees, staff and volunteers will confirm their registration and undergo a COVID-19 Sign and Symptom check upon arrival and information will be retained for 30 days for contact tracing purposes as per government guidelines.
  • Children are permitted to arrive up to 20-30 minutes in advance of the program. However, parents nor attendees are to socialize before, during, or after the program.
  • Children must follow all posted signage, and most comply with physical distancing requirements at all times.
  • Only children from the same household are permitted to be within 2m of one another.
  • Washrooms have a capacity limit please adhere to these limits and wait for entry a minimum of 2m from others.
  • Washrooms for the Immanuel Kids Program are separate from any washrooms in use by others in other parts of the building.
  • Every room in which the program will take place will have a posted capacity limit. Please adhere to these limits and wait for entry a minimum of 2m from doorways and others.
  • Staff and volunteers will wear masks at all times while indoors.
  • Staff/volunteers/attendees are to stay home if sick.
  • Staff/volunteers/attendees who become ill while at the Immanuel Kids should go home immediately and are asked to seek assessment at a COVID-19 Assessment Centre.

Cleaning, Sanitization, and Disinfection:

  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be accessible for everyone in attendance.
  • Handwashing sinks will be available in the washrooms and will be cleaned regularly.
  • All contact surfaces will be cleaned with an approved disinfectant between programs.

Other Information:

  • Only children who are capable of using the washroom on their own will be permitted to attend.
  • Parents are encouraged to send their children with a pre-filled drinking container.
  • Parents must remain available to be contacted by cell phone.
  • In the event a parent enters the Immanuel Kids Ministry Zone, or a child is taken to the Worship Service area on a Sunday morning, registration at the other event will not be permitted.
  • There are to be no spectators of the program unless the presence of the person is necessary in order to provide care to a child who is a participant. If your child requires an assistant, you are asked to please contact the church office by the Thursday prior to the event. Decisions regarding such accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis.